“Your body Loves you”

— shannon larson

Pregnancy loss is extremely common in our society, yet there is next to no support system for those experiencing it.

I am here to hold space through the release of your pregnancy. I will support you without judgement, ensuring you can make informed choices oN how, where and when you choose to move through this experience, however that may look.

Included in my support

Anne Nygård

Education & INformation

This is your choice, I will be here to support your decision 100% and ensure you have safe options and reassuring support. I will support you in deciding the best route for ending your pregnancy, safely expelling and preparing to heal your body. I’ll ensure you know ALL your options so that you can make an informed decision for you and your body.

  • Education & sourcing of herbs

  • Information on your options and possible routes

  • Preparation on what to expect

  • Support for mind, body soul preparation & healing

  • Education on normal/abnormal effects of herbs and medication

  • Review of the healthy physiological process


Emotional Support

Entering space to support clients without assumptions is an essential part of doula'ing. I understand the ending of a pregnancy can mean many different things for everyone, many emotions or not many at all. I will be there for those hard dark questions, the emotional undertaking of moving through an end of a pregnancy, but most importantly unwavering encouragement and reassurance.

I will be on call for you from the moment we begin working together via phone, text and email and in-person once requested. I will validate your experience and compassionately accompany you through this release.

Kelly Sikkema

Practical Support

  • Creating a plan (provider, support people, how)

  • Use of comfort measures (heating pads, TENS machine etc.)

  • Planning logistics of the experience

  • Childcare

  • What to have/bring with you

  • Aftercare plan and preferences (rest, support, food)

  • Spiritual offering

  • Holistic healing

  • Meal prep support

Drew Jemmett

in-person support

There is deep importance to healing preparation before, during and after ending a pregnancy, just as we would surround a new parent after giving birth.

  • On-call to be by your side once the process has begun

  • Knowledge of physiological process and looking out for signs of abnormality

  • Unwavering support in home or clinical setting during release of your pregnancy

  • Emotional, physical and practical support

  • Hydration & nourishment throughout the process

  • Herbs to tonify the uterus, replenish iron and heal the body

  • Getting supplies organized and set up

  • Preparation of a nourishing warming meal to help heal

Ask about my Pregnancy release support…

This works on a sliding scale/donation basis. I want this support to be accessible to everyone, please get in touch to chat about pricing. I will not turn anyone away due to lack of funds.

